How to handle rejection after a Proposal

February 8, 2024
A woman with hands in the air in front of a mountain

Dealing with Rejection After Submitting a Pitch or Proposal: Turning No Into Your Next Big Yes

Rejection is an inevitable part of the journey for entrepreneurs, freelancers, and creatives. Whether it’s a startup pitch, a freelance proposal, or a creative project, hearing “no” can feel like a direct hit to your ambitions and self-worth. However, rejection is not the end of the road; it’s a crucial step on the path to success. In this article, we’ll explore how to handle rejection with grace, learn from it, and use it as a stepping stone to your next big opportunity.

Embrace the Experience

Consider the story of Maya, a budding entrepreneur who spent months developing a groundbreaking app designed to revolutionize how small businesses manage inventory. After meticulously preparing her pitch, she presented it to several investors, only to be met with rejection after rejection. Each “no” was a blow to her confidence, but Maya didn’t let it deter her. Instead, she embraced the experience as an essential part of her journey.

Learn from Feedback

One of the most constructive ways to deal with rejection is to seek feedback. While not all rejections will come with detailed explanations, when they do, it’s gold. Maya asked for feedback from each investor who turned her down and discovered a common theme: while her idea was innovative, her business model wasn’t convincing enough to prove it would be profitable.

Refine Your Approach

Armed with this insight, Maya went back to the drawing board. She refined her business model, adjusted her pitch to highlight the profitability of her app, and sought advice from mentors to strengthen her proposal. This process of refining and improving in response to feedback is crucial. It’s not just about making your pitch or proposal better; it’s about becoming more resilient and adaptable as an entrepreneur or creative professional.

Develop a Growth Mindset

Adopting a growth mindset is key to turning rejection into an opportunity. This means seeing every “no” not as a failure, but as a chance to grow and learn. Maya understood that each rejection was a step closer to a “yes.” She focused on improving her skills, expanding her knowledge, and staying committed to her vision.

Network and Seek New Opportunities

Rejection can also open new doors, if you let it. Maya used the rejection experience to expand her network. She reached out to the investors who had turned her down, asking if they could introduce her to others who might be interested in her project. Through this process, she not only found new potential investors but also mentors who were willing to offer guidance and support.

Stay Resilient and Persistent

Resilience is perhaps the most important trait to develop in the face of rejection. Maya’s story didn’t end with immediate success after her initial rejections. It took several more pitches and a lot of perseverance before she finally received the investment she needed. But with each presentation, she grew more confident and skilled in conveying her vision.

Celebrate Small Wins

It’s also important to celebrate the small wins along the way. For Maya, a small win was improving her pitch based on feedback, or even just making a new connection in the industry. These moments of achievement provide motivation and remind you that progress is being made, even if the ultimate goal hasn’t been reached yet.

Seek Support

Don’t go through the process alone. Maya found support through online communities of entrepreneurs, local meetups, and mentorship programs. Sharing experiences with others who understand the challenges can provide a sense of solidarity and new perspectives on overcoming rejection.

Keep Your Passion Alive

Finally, remember why you started. Maya’s passion for her project was what drove her forward, even in the face of rejection. Your passion is your fuel; keep it alive by reminding yourself of your project’s value and potential impact.


Rejection is not a sign to give up but a signal to grow, learn, and pivot as needed.

Maya’s story is just one of many where persistence in the face of rejection led to eventual success.

By embracing rejection as an integral part of the process, seeking feedback, refining your approach, and maintaining resilience, you can turn a “no” into your next big “yes.” Let rejection be your guide, not your deterrent.

Everything is leading to another door you can open.

Photo by Becca Tapert